Friday, December 16, 2011

Primos Camera - The Truth Cam

If you are an avid hunter, you may already be aware of a camera that you can use to scope out the best hunting grounds. The best part about this type of camera is that you set it and forget it. The Primos camera provides this unique resource to furnish you "The Truth Cam" which shows you if there is or isn't quarry in a single spot when you are not there.

Primos Camera - The Truth Cam

How much time do you spend scouting out prime hunting grounds that will offer you the best game? Do you lose a lot of you vacation time when you have to spend several days designated just for scouting? possibly you flip a coin to see who'll go to the hunting camp and scout while the other stays back and works? You both have a busy life and when hunting season gets close, you don't have time to waste. You know you'll just be at work and stew about the situation.

The Primos camera gives you options to free up your time that is meant to be hunting, not scouting. How does this cool tool work? Well, technically it's a camera that will take pictures at preset intervals of your choosing. The photos (or videos) are stored on an Sd memory card in the camera. The size of the memory card will rule the whole of photos you can capture and keep.

If you haven't invested in this all-time huntsman need-to-have tool, possibly it's because you didn't know about the range of Truth Cams that you can select from. There is one for every funds which can be purchased at any outdoor specialty store or online.

The Primos camera offers the Truth Cam with features that are easy to use and will work in roughly any application to capture game on digital media. The process works like this, you set the camera up where you believe there is a decent whole of deer, elk, bear or whatever and then head back home for a week to a month and then when you have some extra time, grab your laptop and head back up to where you left the camera. Take the memory card out of the camera and insert it into the approved slot and begin watching the photos that your Primos camera took while you were at work.

Each Primos camera offers the choice to use an 8Gb Sd or bigger and the Super Model can use up to a 32Gb memory card. Someone else highlight that all of the Truth Cams (except for the Truth Dps) and the Super Model have is an infrared Led display for night photos. Each camera is easy to control and the battery life can be extended by adjusting the whole of active Leds. The backlit screen is readable in both the daytime and the nighttime. Let's go over a brief describe of the models available:

  • Truth Cam 35
  • Truth Cam 46
  • Truth Cam 60
  • Truth Cam X
  • Truth Cam X Blackout

Whichever Primos camera Truth Cam you choose, you'll know that you will be sure to find the ideal hunting spot to set up your blind or which tree to setup your tree stand in. Prices range from 9.99 to 9.99 which can be a microscopic pricey if you're short on funds, however, you'll end up recovery more in the meat agency once your freezer is full of fresh meat.

Primos Camera - The Truth Cam

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